
The Flip side of Fear and Overwhelm 2016 I personally believe has been a year filled with ups and downs, immense challenges and breakthroughs, and countless tests to our character and strength – for all of humanity. With the energy of the Winter and the New Year...

Focus, Freedom, and Family

Focus and Freedom. What do Focus and Freedom have in common? These are 2 very tangible benefits that having more control over your mind and thoughts can produce. Learn more in my final two videos on the beginning practices of Meditation here: Meditation 101 Part 2:...

Clearing Mental Clutter

We all know that the fall is the time for out with the old and in with the new. Time for endings and new beginnings. Often times our external surroundings can be an exact mirror to our mental clarity. Take a moment and look around your home. Do you see piles of...

The Yogic Breath and the Fall

The Fall is quickly approaching. It is the season related to Letting things Go that dont serve, and Welcoming in New Beginnings. This season in Chinese Medicine is governed by the Lung. When you think about the lungs, they do this constantly, through inhaling and...

Loving up the last Bits of Summer

The Earth is Spinning– Are you? The late summer in Chinese Medicine is centered around the Earth Element. The energy of the earth is soothing, nourishing, grounding, centering. It is peaceful calming and provides us life. Historically, it is the time to harvest all of...

Harnessing Our Power

Today I caught myself getting so excited about the sunshine and then immediately feeling annoyed and angry that the wind was blowing so strong and loud. (I am not such a fan of wind! 🙂 ) I have to say, my reaction to this mild weather did intrigue me as weather is...

Gaining Perspective when Faced with Obstacles

The way we handle obstacles in our lives can serve as a window of insight into our self-esteem, our strength, the level of our ability to grow through past conflicts, and our connection to our purpose. When faced with an obstacle such as metaphorically walking along a...

Into the Depths of Spring

The emotion associated with the season of Spring is anger. As mentioned in my last newsletter, Spring is the time for growth, and wherever growth is constrained, anger arises to help find a way around the obstacle lying in the path. One term for anger in Chinese,...

Syncing up with Spring!

The feeling of Spring is officially in the air, and new beginnings on the horizon. As some things come to an end, the longer days and more sunlight usher in new possibilities that have been brewing just underneath the surface. Chinese medicine defines Springtime as...

Winter Wonderland

First off, I hope you are staying safe and warm! I myself learned some huge lessons during this blizzard that I wanted to share with you! Growing up in Ohio I am used to alot of snow and very quick action to take care of it so life goes on as usual. Needless to say...

Happy New Year!!

I sincerely hope your year is off to a fabulous start! Ringing in the New Year can mean many things to many people. One way to create new opportunities and positive change in 2016 is to let go of the “old things” we have been holding onto. This can be done easily in...

Autumn and Your Lungs!

Fall is in the air, schedules are back to normal, kids are in school and it is like a mini- re-set button we all get to press. For this is the season of inspiration and spiritual connection, as well as letting go of useless limiting habit patterns that have kept us...

Keeping Your Heart Protector Healthy!

Did you know that you have a thin layer of skin surrounding your heart? This is called your Pericardium and it serves as a protector for your heart and among other things, has the role of being the “gate keeper” in deciding what can go to the heart and what cannot. In...

Removing obstacles in our lives from their ROOT

When we experience difficult or unpleasant situations in our lives we should work to eliminate the problem at its source. When we pull weeds from our garden without its root, it starts growing back even stronger — if we do not work to eliminate problems from their...

Embrace Your Dreams!

Spring time, according to chinese medicine, is about manifesting new beginings and making decisions that are just and benevolent, that serve yourself and society. It is about putting things in their proper order and carrying out the necessary plans to create positive...

Harnessing the Power of the Winter Season

Each season has a specific energetic movement, as well as gifts and qualities that are inherent to its nature. These gifts are openly available to us to guide us gently back into the rythym of the earth and to uncover and nourish specific aspects of our being if we...