Yogic Kriya Consults

A phone/ zoom session to receive personalized kriya and meditation protocols based on the energetic health of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  $225

This includes a 20 minute phone/zoom call to be scheduled before the hour long session so I can get a feel for your energy and speak to you about everything you want the session to address for you.

These protocols are amazing tools to powerfully awakening the kundalini energy within you and release stuck patterns; strengthen, heal and uplift yourself and your life. 

Reach out to book your appointment at MalamaHonuaHealing@gmail.com or 301-351-1302.

Malama Honua Healing, LLC. offers kundalini yoga classes and private consults virtually and in person in Bethesda, Rockville, and Silver Spring.

I highly recommend a personalized Yoga Kriya Session with Laura. Her extensive knowledge and kind nature lend themselves to a very calming, healing experience. I have stayed faithful to her recommendations and the Kriya has made a palpable difference in my ability to move/stretch and my mental health and well-being. I’m am truly grateful to have found her and to have invested in her Yoga Kriya Session.
E.B., 2021