Happy New Year! <3

I wanted to take a moment and Wish you from My Heart to Yours a Most Beautiful, Joyful, Delicious, Love Filled New Year ahead. I hope everything you desire will come forth for you in 2019. <3

One tradition many of us have grown up with is the idea of setting our goals and intentions for the New Year; what we would like toAccomplish, Have, Gain, Become, or Receive.

Personally, I like to think of each new day (or moment) as a chance to switch course, get back on track, or decide something new for ourselves. After all, one of my favorite quotes from the Buddha is “What you do Today matters Most.”  But alas, it is the New Year and there is a lot of momentum at this time collectively to set New Goals and Intentions for ourselves so I thought this was a good topic to focus on now!

I was attending a talk by one of my spiritual teachers and he was mentioning a quite incredible idea that I just loved so I wanted to share it with You, of course!

He was saying that instead of focusing on the actual Goal,  make your Goals the actual actions you need to take everyday to make that End Goal a reality.

In other words, we cannot force a Flower to Bloom when it is not ready to yet– but we can create the right environment for the flower to flourish and blossom into its best most beautiful self.

This is the same idea.

Striving for a goal without setting the right foundation is like forcibly peeling open the blooms of a flower– the end result doesnt really sustain itself, look, or feel right.

So, instead of focusing on The End Goal– try to set goals around the habits you can take up that builds the foundation for those End Goals. If one of your goals is to be happier, find a better job or loose weight in 2019– what must you do (everyday) to actually accomplish that? Have those everyday goals be your goals and then I think you will be astounded to notice the massive lengths you are gaining towards your actual End Goal!

If you would like support building up a beautiful foundation to make 2019 flourish for you in just the way you desire contact me to set up an appointment!

Depending on Your goals, Acupuncture, Herbal Flower Medicine and/or Quantum Energy Divine Feminine Soul Coaching are all beautifully incredible and potent ways to build this foundation to flourish for you!