Without getting too into Astrology, I will just point out that the Full Moon is upon us tonight in all its Beauty.  Such Bounty and Light can also serve as a mirror for our own Bountiful and Abundant Light.

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of Light you can think of it in terms of weight, such as Heavy and Light.  A lot of people use the terms Light and Dark in this same way. It is like when you feel so happy about something you naturally feel light and airy — less heavy and bogged down or Dark.

Sometimes, it might seem that you feel so heavy that there is no way you could feel light or “The Light” at all. This is when the practice of Emptying to become Filled comes in.

Sometimes we have to empty out the garbage that has inconspicuously been piling up on us, essentially covering up our Truest Nature which is Lightness so that the Lightness can actually be felt, be found and be acknowledged.

With the Full Moon this month, the theme of Love comes into play with the planets alignment. The questions may arise within you as to what you let in to Love and how much you let others Love you.

Old patterns may resurface at this time and to practice surrendering to more Love no matter how scary or vulnerable it may feel, I believe is a great practice to take on always, but is especially potent at this time, during this Full Moon.  This is a practice of taking out that heavy garbage and allowing the Light to fully fill that space. This is a practice of Emptying to become Filled.

If you are looking for help to release the perhaps piled up heaviness from your body– whether its showing up as physical pain or heaviness, mental,or emotional, I invite you to come in for a session.

I am currently offering individual sessions for:

Light Work/ Soul Coaching
Private Yoga

I am also extremely excited to announce, back by popular demand, a second edition of the Divine Feminine Embodiment Group Journey Online Program. 

Sending lots of Love and Lightness Your way,
