Natural medicine has been widely adopted as a form of essential treatment. A growing percentage of the population has shifted their focus to holistic care and natural approaches to managing illnesses by reaching out to practitioners of natural and herbal medicine. Yet, some people approach natural medicine with a great deal of skepticism.

There are a lot of rumors circulating the internet about the holistic disciplines and natural medicine and it’s time we finally put these rumors to rest.

Myth#1: Yoga (Holistic Medicine) is Only for Flexible People

Flexibility is as much about the mind as it is about muscle. The best part about yoga is that it is applicable for all ages, and has various poses that you can choose from, depending on the level of intensity you’re most comfortable with.

While there may be a relationship between flexibility and yoga, flexibility isn’t a prerequisite to doing yoga.

Myth#2: Puncturing the Myths of Acupuncture (Alternative Medicine)


Acupuncture is a timeless form of natural medicine that originated in China and has been around for thousands of years. It involves inserting needles into specific areas of your body with varying degrees of intensity.

These needles are thin and inserted gently. The slight tingling sensation that results upon insertion means that the treatment is working. Any other uneasiness will fade on its ownas the acupuncturist adjusts the needle based on your threshold.

Myth#3: Natural Medicine is Unreasonably Expensive

Herbal medicines and the price you pay for them is a reflection of the costs endured to make the herb accessible to you. From growing them, picking them, processing them, and manufacturing them to getting them on the shelves, they have to be quality checked and tested before they can be sold. This rigorous process hinders suppliers’ ability to keep prices extremely low.

Think of natural medicine as an investment as it’ll decrease your requirement for future care and save you money in the long run.

Looking to try natural and alternative medicine for yourself? Look no further. Head over to Malama Honua Healing for guidance on energy healing and group meditation. From acupuncture to private yoga Bethesda, we do it all. Contact us, and move one step closer to a healthier and happier you!