5 Ways to Boost Your Energy

We all want to have more energy. It helps us feel confident, productive and happy. The good news is that there are many things you can do every day to boost your energy levels. You just need some ideas!


Here are 5 ways to boost your energy:


1) Exercise in a way that’s fun for you!

If running on a treadmill isn’t cutting it anymore, try yoga or pilates instead.


a group of women exercising in a group class to boost your energy


Fitness is a personal journey for each individual. The first step to boosting your energy may be as simple as changing up the routine you’ve been doing over and over again so it becomes more fun and less mundane. If running isn’t cutting it anymore, try out some of these alternatives like dance cardio classes or pilates sessions which will help keep things interesting while still giving an effective workout!


One way to get in shape without feeling bored with your workout is by shaking things up once in a while – walking outside one day instead of using the machines at the gym, taking a yoga class when you usually do aerobics, etc.



2) Boost your energy with Acupuncture!

acupuncture is a great way to boost your energy


Acupuncture is a fantastic way to increase your energy. Did you know that it’s been said through ancient Eastern medicine, acupuncture can boost chi which in turn will give one an increased sense of well-being?


Acupuncture has been around for quite some time now and is still popular today with many patients receiving treatment each day from acupuncturists all over North America. It’s meant as both preventive care and also as healing therapy by stimulating major organs or meridian points on the body using fine needles inserted into specific locations at certain depths depending upon what condition they’re treating somebody for like back pain, fatigue, or migraines.


Book a session today! 



3) Get enough sleep – Lack of sleep has been proven to impact energy levels.


a bed and alarm clock showing that getting enough sleep can book your energy


We all know that we need sleep to function. However, do you know what happens when this is not the case? Lack of sleep has been proven time and again to impact our health in a variety of ways- from impacting hormones and attention spans, to negatively affecting eating habits, heart rate levels as well as many other physical effects.


Spend time winding down an hour before bed. Read the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand and try to limit screen time. Allow your body’s natural cycles to come back to life.


It’s recommended that people get at least seven hours of sleep per night in order for them to feel rested throughout their day without feeling tired, irritable or unmotivated.


Having trouble sleeping? Check out this post  Miles To Go Before I Sleep! Can Acupuncture Help Treat Insomnia?



4) Take breaks during long study or work sessions to boost your energy!


two women working at a desk laughing.


Physically and mentally, we need to take breaks in order for our minds not to wander off when studying or working. Breaks give the brain a chance to process information more effectively as well as giving us an opportunity for some much-needed relaxation time!


Research has shown that taking breaks during long study or work sessions can boost your energy and motivation. In fact, research suggests not only the traditional afternoon coffee break but also physical activity like a quick walk outside for 5-10 minutes every hour might be just enough to recharge our brains! It can also help you avoid BACK PAIN from extended periods of sitting.


Taking frequent short breaks from studying or working is an important way of maintaining focus as well as improving concentration in other tasks you do later on down the road. Experts suggest trying various tactics such as using a timer so you don’t lose track of how much time between breaks.



5) Try Yoga Inversions


Yoga is one of the most popular exercises in America and has been shown to increase energy levels. Not only does it have this energizing effect, but yoga can also be used as a tool for relaxation. I recommend trying out some basic yogic poses like downward dog or standing forward fold to see if they help you feel more alert during your day-to-day activities!


Yoga inversions help you feel energized by boosting your blood flow. An inverted yoga pose strengthens the upper body, which can increase your stamina for any physical activity.


Try these three different poses to boost that energy!


Downdog – Adho Mukha Svanasana

downward facing dog


Rabbit Pose – Sasangasana


Headstand – Shirshasana

headstand can help boost your energy


If you’re struggling to find the energy to get through your day, try one of these five ideas. Energy can be a fleeting thing and it can also come in waves when we need it most. The good news is that there are many things each of us can do every day to boost our energy levels without having to hit the coffee pot too often. These 5 tips will hopefully give you some new strategies for staying energized throughout your days!


What small changes have helped increase your daily energy? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you!