Whether you have enjoyed your pregnancy or have gone through a tough 9 months, postpartum recovery is essential for new mothers. Your body changes and it requires all the rest and nutrients to take care of your newest addition to the family.

Postpartum is an intense period where you are trying to do the best for your child, while still healing. The emotional and physical demands can be difficult to keep up with. New mothers often feel very isolated and are prone to postpartum depression.

Acupuncture, along with moxibustion can be really effective in helping new mothers on their postpartum journey.

How does acupuncture help during postpartum?

Enhances healing

Going through labor and giving birth is an extremely exhausting and painful. Tears during delivery, administration of the epidural, or a C-section all require time to heal. It’s no wonder that most ancient cultures honor the postpartum period as a time for a mother to bond with their child, while friends and family took care of her. In today’s culture this rarely is the case. We live fast-paced lives and many mothers are back to work after a few weeks.

Acupuncture helps the woman’s body heal faster from the delivery. Mother Warming, is a technique that involves heath therapy, moxibustion. This therapy has been used in East Asian and Central Asian for thousands of years.

Around the 4th or 5th day post-delivery, Moxa is used to warm the lower abdomen and lower back to alleviate pain and speed up recovery. The process feels relaxing for the new mother, which is exactly what she needs after hours of labor pains. This therapy can also reduce and eventually stop persistence bleeding, stabilize hormones, and reduce pain from the scars.

Mother and child bonding

Encourages milk supply

Some new mothers can struggle with feeding their child. Low milk supply, pain while nursing, and latch issues can de demoralizing, especially when you’re already so overwhelmed. Acupuncture can help enhance your milk supply and our expert can also share some important tips and wisdom learned over the years.

Reduces stress

New mothers have so much to take care of. Handling a baby that’s a few days old in itself is a huge responsibility. Your days will mainly consist of feeding your child, changing them, and keeping an eye over them while they nap. The stress really builds up during this time.

Acupuncture is highly effective at immediately reducing stress. It calms down the sympathetic nervous system, putting you in a more relaxed state.

If you’re looking for an alternative medicine Bethesda, MD to help with your pregnancy, try our services at Malama Honua Healing LLC. We offer acupuncture, online Kundalini Yoga DC, meditation, and soul coaching. New moms can try out our yoga classes to help improve mobility, reduce pain, and boost their immune system. Learn more about our COVID-19 policies before you book an appointment.