Most people desire to have great hair—smooth, healthy, and perhaps longer. And why wouldn’t they? It’s a completely natural thing to want.

Unfortunately, so is hair loss.

But the good news is that this balding disaster can be averted. Hair growth is directly related to blood circulation. Hair loss, on the other hand, has tons of causes. It could be age, genes or even high stress and low physical activity.

Yoga is one effective way to promotes oxygen and blood flow, especially to your scalp, to make your hair healthy.

Here are three doable yoga poses you can try for better hair.

Uttanasana—Standing Forward Bend


To do this pose, stand straight with your feet slightly apart (hip-distance). Take a deep breath in and lift your arms towards the sky to straighten your spine.

As you exhale, start leaning forward with arms outstretched and stop as you reach a 90 degrees angle. Bringing hands to your hips, lean further and let your legs and arms hang loosely. Now inhale and come back to a 90-degree angle, hold the position for 5 seconds, exhale and lean forward.

Repeat the movement a third time.

Sasangasana — Rabbit Pose

Bend toward your knees and place your hands on either side of them. Then fold forward and bring your crown area to the floor. Keep your head as close to the knees as possible. Grab both your heels with your hands and start pushing your hips as high as possible. Try to keep the pressure on your head minimal by shifting the weight to your knees instead.

Keep breathing normally. You should feel your neck and spine stretching. Gradually lift your head and come back to the sitting position on your knees.

camel pose yoga peace positivity

It’s possible that you feel a blood rush in your head, so make sure to take a few deep breaths.

Ustrasana —Camel Pose

For this pose, bend toward your knees with your feet shoulder-distance apart. Make sure your lower legs are making a perfect 90-degree angle with the rest of your body. Then rest your palms on your back right above the hips. Now lean back, let your head fall back, and keep the thighs stretched. Slowly come back to the previous position.

Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, take your left hand back and place it on the left heel; do the same for your right hand.  Throw your head back and keep pushing your hips forward.

Now come back to the initial pose and repeat the motions three times.

If you’re not sure where to start and want a yoga routine designed specifically to tailor your goals—try Private Yoga Bethesda. Get in touch with the experts at Malama Honua Healing today!