Welcoming in the New Year can be an opportunity to greet this new decade and each  moment with open arms and an open heart flooded with hope, faith and joy. It can mean greeting each situation with new eyes and an openness to have a different  outcome to what you might expect or have experienced before.

In regards to being open to the​ health and vibrancy of our minds and bodies, ​ it can be making the decision to listen, pay attention, or simply acknowledge what might be needing extra care and making a plan to best nourish this aspect of you.

If you would like to take back control of your body and mind, to see how incredibly strong and powerful you are, and to understand your innate healing strength within you  I encourage you to make an appointment.

Acupuncture and yoga help the mind and body in totality. It is really quite amazing to witness your own balancing, strengthening, and healing capacity at work and how it can positively affect all areas of your life.

“First understand your body,  which is the vehicle for your journey towards liberation,  maintain it carefully, then look on it with love and respect.”

  -Swami Muktananda 

  Wishing you a most vibrant and loving 2020!