The Energy of Winter and What it Means

Winter energetics are amongst us and what does that mean?

The energy of Winter is enveloped in the Water Element and the Water Element within us can manifest as issues in our Bladder and Kidneys, our Adrenal Health, Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Fear, and a Scarcity Mentality.

The Water Element also relates to our feelings of Security, Stability, and our level of comfort with the Unknown.

If you have even a bit of an imbalance in Water, any of the above can get highlighted this time of year.

Sound like fun?! 🙂

When Water is still, think a body of water like a pond, you can clearly see your reflection, in other words you can clearly see what needs to be seen and you can act from this space.

Meditation, stillness, sleep, reflection, as well as acupuncture and yoga 🙂 are perfect this time of year to nurture this element within.

If you are wanting some self care during these winter months, you can schedule your appointment now.

Simply email to request and appointment.

In-office opportunities: 

Mind, Body, & Soul Reset

Zoom opportunities:

Mind, Body & Soul Reset

Last minute gifting opportunities: 

E-Gift Cards available for any of the above services

Corporate Wellness Programs: 

If your business is looking for a customized wellness program look no further and email to start a conversation.

Wishing you a beautiful end of the year!


Laura Rose, L.Ac., M.Ac., CYT
(301) 351-1302